Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I was curious to see how much the word "Jesus" was on Twitter compared to some other words... interesting results.
The fact that Twitter exists and is a growing phenomenon could mean several things.  A) All we Twitterers are just self-obsessed, hoping to gain as much attention to our daily minutia as possible.  B) Twitter really is a great marketing, PR tool.  C) Twitter is just another cultural reality illuminating itself in cyberspace... the reality of constant connectivity.
I lean toward C.  
Twitter is about the act of Tweeting.... which in non-Twitter terms simply translates "adding your voice to the chorus of other voices".   It's a constant conversation.   
More on Twitter and Jesus later.

1 comment:

Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

Nice - like the blog - keep it up -
I am for sure a blogaholic - So appreciate others who blog too.